What If ?

Fear stops us from doing many things. But it is important that we realise where these fears come from, because many of them aren’t our own. This morning I officially launched the Ultimate Guide To Wealth’s website on the world, actively promoting it and my free guide, “3 Strategies For…

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Projects – Overview

Since I have a few New-Entrepreneurial projects, I thought I would introduce them and give you a little background information on each of them. Modularware: This is my passion project. It is a programming project I have been working on for over 15 years and it is currently into it’s…

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I have taken a slight detour on my entrepreneurial path. I have been developing a web platform, similar to WordPress, part-time for almost ten years now. I first came up with the idea when I had to create a web site for a client because I couldn’t find a ready-made…

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